
By Serving Others

Welcome to Church at Addis

Church here means family.

We believe that nobody walks on water – we all fall short of perfection. Church is about plugging in and experiencing healing, growth, and meaningful connections. We are a first century model church. We do not add denominational traditions, nor do we apply man-made philosophies when it comes to church. Have you ever needed a second chance? Have you ever needed a sense of community? Have you ever needed a purpose in life? Come be a part of something great! 

Join Us In-Person or Online

We have two campuses in the Baton Rouge area and an active online community. No matter which campus you visit, there’s a place for you to connect and grow. We can’t wait to meet you!


Serving Others Near And Far.

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Make A Difference

Blind Survey 2023

Please help guide our pastoral staff in sermon topics and discipleship direction by participating in our anonymous survey. We want to know what really matters to YOU!!

Link to Survey

Meeting Times

Sundays 9:00 am   Connect Groups
Sundays 10:15 am   Worship
Wednesdays 6:30 pm   Bible Study

Join Us

Church at Addis
6781 La Hwy 1 S
Addis, LA 70710

Contact Us

(225) 749-3756
Office Hours: M-Th, 9 am - 4 pm